4.3 discussion

1.) Are nerfs good for the maintenance and happiness of the overall population in WoW?

Business Slice: Of course it is! Getting the majority of the people to see the content Blizzard has worked on makes perfect business sense. Which will net a company more money? 6-7 million customers or 2-3 “hardcore” players, of course the more casual base will make Blizzard money in the long haul. Without profit Blizzard cannot make improvement/develop more games. It’s all about the benjamins! MONEY MONEY MONEY!

Red Slice: RAWR! REDSLICE SMASH! WTF! WHY ARE THEY NERFING IT MAKES NO SENSE, 4.3 is not even out, or has any concrete information etc. Why are they caving into the whiners and baddies? Why even make a game and make it so easy? With the nerfs it may even make the most casual of player go…why am I playing a game this easy? This makes Hello Kitty Online seem more difficult. 4.2 have been out only for a few months, it only has 7 bosses, why make it so laughable that it can now be cleared by a new group in a week or 2 at most? /smash! WTH are they passing out epix 2 every1?

Slice: It would make more sense to have a balance of the two. They really should take a good look at what is over tuned and also what maybe under tuned and fix as appropriate. No real reason as well to nerf Heroic modes, those should remain as the pinnacle of raiding. Only the best of the best should be able to tackle those. Give the general player base the normal modes, and the heroics to the “hardcore”. Give them each a playground to play in. A flat nerf to the content in general is silly – make the players get a gradual buff (like in Icecrown Citadel) this allows for some mistakes to be made, but does not trivialize the content totally, this in coordination with appropriate hotfixes of mechanics that are under tuned and over tuned.

However by nerfing stuff by this degree so far from the 4.3 patch…I hope it does not cause a backlash that they will nerf 4.3 so quickly cause, “it’s too hard!”

2.)Should I cancel my sub and wait for DW/4.3?

Business Slice: No! Give me your money errr to Blizzard. You need your WoW crack no?

Red Slice: Yeah that will teach them to nerf stuff that doesn’t need it! “/grumbles” Freakin casuals!

Slice: Each individual should decide if they wish to play right now or wait. Use your brain and make your own decision.


Business Slice: $$$ more ways to keep people attached to an older game! Good idea to pull at people’s heartstrings.

Red Slice: Old content? LOL…why go back there? It’s not relavent. Why waste time on old raid when you can raid current content or cap VP? Old cheevs? Only ones that matter are ones that are current and give you mounts that are current!

Slice: Yay for clothes! Barbie time?

4.) Catgirls?



  1. September 14, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    You and your catgirls

    Also, Red Slice needs to take a chill pill and watch more catgirls

  2. September 14, 2011 at 6:31 pm

    I like Business Slice, I would buy motes of life from him.

  3. Arvash
    September 14, 2011 at 6:41 pm

    Life is like a box of assorted Slice, you never know what raid night you’re gonna get.

    • September 14, 2011 at 6:41 pm

      This is not true!

      You will always get red slice!

      • September 15, 2011 at 12:25 pm

        You don’t want Business Slice in your raid anyway. That one is a loot hog.

      • September 15, 2011 at 2:40 pm


  4. September 16, 2011 at 5:36 pm

    I vote Red Slice for Crits raiding. Keep silly Business Slice in that other guild. We need moar deeps and I think Red Slice will bring it.

  1. September 27, 2011 at 12:29 pm

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