
Archive for the ‘PANDAS’ Category

Trees are your friends!

August 13, 2013 2 comments

Everyone likes gifts and I am no exception! Thanks to Ty I am the proud owner of mini creepy tree!




Thanks again Ty and grats on your blog-aversery!

Categories: PANDAS, Pedo tree, priest

*sneeze* wow it really has been a while.

August 9, 2013 7 comments

Hmmm…I guess I am turning into a lazy writer like Lyssianna.

“Hey Slice what have you been up to?”
Good question, and I know some will approve of what I have been up to and others not so much.

1.) Pet Battles – working on my way to get 30 level 25 pets.
2.) Finshed up the Zookeeper Cheev – wow that took a while – Baby Apes are Evil!
3.) Playing other MMOs for a bit – SWTOR (level 55 Consular, 55 Bounty Hunter) Rift, STO, and cannot wait for FF14! CATGIRLS > Belfs…and pandas.
4.) Raiding. Throne of Thunder I feel has been odd for Shadow Rising and for me in general. I guess I am not feeling MoP’s raids so far, and I think it is due to it’s lack of something that pulls into the “normal” WoW story line. I got into WoW from being a RTS player. So i felt BS and WoTLK has more of a WoW feel? However, I do think that the SoO will change that, I hope…
5.) More Raiding – Another thing is with ToT – is why do the later half bosses feel easier then the 1st half? Is it due to gear? poss? But the mechanics do not seem as punishing in my honest opinion.

Also check out Frost and Claws, it’s her blogaversery soon! (she is also a SR guildee, so show her some love!)

If you like Chibis! (and who doesnt!) Luxy’s is quite full of teh kyuteness! Luuxypie!

Also check out Navimie’s and Luxy’s comic! The Faily Frostwolf

Categories: PANDAS, SWTOR, Uncategorized

Monday Update

February 4, 2013 4 comments

As you can see from Repgrind and Arvash Shadow Rising finally finished off Heart of Fear. ๐Ÿ™‚ Go SR!~

Although I am happy we have finished off HoF, the clear feels odd to me as there is noone else on the server really progressing it seem on Horde side. Furthermore, once 5.2 hits will Shadow RIsing be the only guild left trying to progress? I sure hope not!

This is a far cry from Drak’s days in Wrath Tier 10. to current days in MoP Tier 14 The only two guilds still raiding from then to now is Shadow Rising and Less QQ more pew pew. (i really like their guild name!)

Other then that, I am really sad to see the poor attitude displayed by some of those on the official forums. (yes, I know they are the armpit of the world!) The sense of entitlement displayed in some of those posts are quite amazing…seriously how can some people actually think this. then again the forums are only a small part of the wow community and the world as a while but it still amazes me how people think.

Also I wonder where is this wave of “vanilla wow” nostalgia coming from?Our memories are meant to be happy and fun, but take off the rose colored glasses for a second! Think about what you are saying…

1.) OMG world PVP was awesome! Ok sure sure you thought it was awesome….but in reality you were pissed it happened! OMG this guy or girl is a jerk they killed my again/took my node/killed my quest mob! Yay! Fighting over quests hubs is awesome! (Man I can’t turn my quests in!)

2.) Day long Alterac Valleys…..ok….really? I know I am not for promoting reality here, but seriously?

3.) The old talent systems were awesome! They promoted so much thought and uniqueness! Again….no. There was so much bloat in the old trees. People could not read and picked stupid crap. Or placed all their points into one tree! You know those 51/0/0 in the blood tree Dks! There was a reason there was perferred tree placement with some points to play around with. Because it worked!

4.) OMG epics are too common! Raiding is too easy, gimme 40 man raids! Get off your high horse! Getting people to see content is good! Blizzard having more money in the bank keeps your sub costs the same it has been since its release. Gets you more expansions. Gets you Blizzcon. Keeps your servers up. Keeps you game in good condition. Gets your updates in a timely fashion!

One thing I will agree with the rose colored crowd is the death of server community. Realm transfers and LFD/LFR has really killed the sense of a server or realm. There is no sense of accountability, which in turn I feel has lead to the degredation of the wow community as a whole.

There is a reason things stay in the past, in Wow and reality. Improvements make life easier! I am pretty sure people are happy we do not use ice to keep our fridges cool still or use candles to light our homes…..

It’s nothing but unicorns and rainbows with MoP! (not really!)

October 9, 2012 6 comments

It has been a couple of week with my mitts on MoP. What do I think of it so far?


Although I am loathe to admit it, I enjoy the questing in MoP, I am not sure what it is, the NPCs one meets, or the story, or even the personalized quest reward, I like it. (But I still hate questing prior to MoP zones)

I will admit it, I thought the farm would be silly. (Bro why I gotta farm!) However, the farm is awesome! What can I say, I did like the Harvest Moonย games back in the day.

Dailys – hate em or love em. I like some of them, I hate some of them. Golden Lotus I like, Klaxxi not so much. (probably cause I hate bugs and I hate the Dread Lands) Although,ย  some of the content is gated as well as the gear, one has to applaud Blizzard for attempting something to put brakes on a population which devours content like a swarm of locusts. Could they have done it a different way? Possibly, but not in a way which everyone would be happy. Localizing them into dailys, at least it is gold. And who doesn’t like gold in MMOs….and if you don’t I say you are lying.

Pandas – I thought the worgen and the goblins were done nicely, but BLizzard kudos to you for the pandas. Also for the new zones in general, BEAUTIFUL. For once I actually look around and internally say…wow. The mounts are very detailed and amazing – I love how my cloud serpent will scratch his ear? from time to time lol.

Dungeons – not too hard, but not faceroll. Good balance! Thumbs up here!

Pet Battles – ๐Ÿ™‚

Monks – Very fun healing wise and DPS wise. Tanking? not sure….seems confusing to me! lol


Dungeons – valor it gives…seems low….

Dailys – Why gate the August Celestials and the Shado Pan till revered? Why not one at Honored and the other at Revered?

Farmย  – too addicting. Must Farm……

Cloud Serpent Training – why no account bound….seems silly….I hate racing!!!!!

Motesย not beingย BoA – I think keep em soulbound but at least make them BoA.

Priests – OK OMG WTF DID YOU DO HERE! DID YOU PLAY PRIESTS BEFORE RELEASING THEM!?!?! Our main way to proc Divine Aegis – Prayer of Healing is bad…. OMG mana regen is so bad…..seriously Blizzard what did you do to my beloved priest class. Please help PST! What happened to bring the player not the class! Why bring a good player with a gimp class over a good player with a good class?

Trolls – and not Zari or Adoe…I am talking about more troll killing…please no more troll heroics or troll raids…..I am sick of picking on Zari’s family and Adoe’s cousins….

So overall Blizzard A+ a big thumbs up. 100% better then the depressing Cata.

Ok I will stop slacking…..

October 2, 2012 8 comments

Ok Navi you asked so here it is…. ๐Ÿ˜›

3:34 AM Tuesday Sept 25th

Logged into WoW and shocked to see quite a few people already on!!

Vanicus from Repgrind is on – fishing ๐Ÿ˜›
Zugzuug and Fayle and Lyssi are all on leveling away in the Jade Forest.
I log in….crap forgot to pick up a DPS spec!! (I was in holy/disc) Oh well, I have smite spec I will be ok! So away I go smiting all the poor misguided alliance out of the way!

Time flies by and Lyss has to head to work, I keep on smiting. It was killing those Jade Kitties that when a Human DK decides he wants to kill me – he catches me off guard and I am doing ok when an Night Elf hunter also decides he wants some and they tag team me….hmmm a bit annoying but its a PVP server. 20 minutes later I am turning in some quests and Mr. Human DK shows up again along with Mr. Nelf Hunter…DK decides to try it again, Mr. Nelf emotes he is sorry and leaves. This time I am prepared…PoM, renew, bubble. Mr. DK is trying to kill me, oh noes! Dot him up. Smite. Penance. Void Tendrils. Psychic Scream. My health is not falling, his is….he gets to 25% health. Now he decides he does not want to continue this second date. Oh hell no! I chase him down and he kills himself by jumping off a cliff! ๐Ÿ™‚ /flex

Leveling continues without any hinderences for a while, except for the few rares that must die! Smite all the things! I have to say, kudos to Blizz for making rares actually fun and worthwhile to kill. 200xp a kill yum!

It was not till level 88 and a lot of hrs later, by this time Zug had hit server 1st and Fayle was almost there at 89, that I am feeling horrible and tired and things are not dying! I decide to try to shadow….ugh….died a lot…I account this to being so tired. I swap back to disc….

3:30 AM or so Fayle hits 90 and logs off. I try to keep awake by doing some jumping jacks etc and it helps for a bit. I check to see what priests are close and the closest one is at 88 and I am 89 – 70% to go to 90. I have it in the bag as far as horde side, but I am not sure on Alliance side, sneaky alliance….I push till 5AM…and I cannot make it…I crawl into bed….

7AM….a drop bear wakes me up! I yell and scream bloody murder, but the drop bear uses reason and logic to get me out of bed. A shower and some exercise, wakes me up and I log back into the game. /who and I see that I am still the only lvl 89 priest. ๐Ÿ™‚ GO ME!

With enough sleep now, shadowing all the things is a log easier now….98% and I turn in a 4 quests…bring me to 99%…OMG one more quest…hey the Klaxxi has one more for me! My heart is pounding at this moment as I curse every bog beast that does not drop a perfect eye for me! On the 12th kill it drops…I hearth back the Klaxxi dude…turn it in and boom!!!!!!!! I was surprised to all the congrats tells from people lol ๐Ÿ™‚ (Apparently Zug got a lot of hate! Poor Zug!)

I will say doing this once. I dont think I will ever do this again. I have never felt so drained after this. However, it was a big thrill seeing that cheev pop on my screen!

realm 1st priest a full day ahead of 2nd lvl 90 priest!

11th overall on the server

1 week!

September 17, 2012 8 comments

Almost there! The long wait for MoP is almost over. (Is it odd I am more excited for this then Christmas?)

Things to do before MoP

1.) Get enough sleep – I dont think I will plan on playing before 9AM on Tuesday. As much as I would like to hit lvl 90 priest as a realm first, my body would not like it.

2.) Prepare food and drink, so I can save precious minutes in getting 90 ASAP.

3.) Find ways to keep my mind occupied till then!

Thank goodness Borberlands 2 comes out tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚



Mists opening cinematic….

August 16, 2012 5 comments

MoP Trailer

Go to MMO-C or the main WoW site and check it out!

Like many other of Blizzard’s other cinematics – done very well.

Unlike the other’s there is no big baddie in this one, but this one still feel just as epic.

It does a good job conveying that this is about Pandaria and the new continent.

It also displays something we don’t see all that often in WoW, humor….definitely adds more of a “human” side to a game.

Also I know Rep will hit me for this one….but human’s in WoW actually don’t look silly for once. ๐Ÿ˜›