
Archive for January, 2011

Omnitron Defense System aka the Nomnomnom system

January 31, 2011 6 comments

The 2nd opening boss in Blackwind Descent. There are more mechanics and things to watch out for when compared to Magmaw, but many of the mechanics are easily avoided/handled. It is when in combination with another boss is when the abilities become equal to if not more annoying then magmaw’s.

Things to remember on this fight:

1.) The constructs awaken in a random order.
2.) They have an energy bar which will indicate how long they will be awake, once it hits 0 – they will deactivate, and another will power up, make sure your tanks are ready to pick up the new one.
3.) All 4 of them share a combined lifepool, much like the Blood Prince Council.
4.) For the most part…when a shield is up….the construct….DO NOT HIT! GROPE! FONDLE! ETC

The 4 constructs:


1.) Incineration Security Measure – This deals AoE fire damage. Cannot be avoided. Heal thru it.

2.) Acquiring Target – Picks a target to be burnt to a crisp…really easy to see. The target will get a large red arrow and a red beam pointing at them. Don’t stand in between the target and the beam. Target try not to move. HEAL THRU IT. This is very heavy damage, if the target gets no heals, they will more then likely die.

3.) Shield – bright shiny RED shield…DO NOT CAUSE DMGS to. If you do it will explode and cause LOTS of dmgs.

As you can see….if you do. Backdraft will happen!

Liyhe 68517      11.4 %
Zerlegen 68487 11.4 %
Zugzuug 68113 11.4 %
Vyshus 67230 11.2 %
Lyssianna 66045 11.0 %
Sorak 59367 9.9 %
Roorknug 59125 9.9 %
Zarm 51199 8.5 %
Arvash 47355 7.9 %
Dubstein 44240 7.4 %


DO NOT HIT!!! LOTS OF OUCH! Backdraft is nicht gut!


1.) Lightning Conductor – cause damage to the target and anyone close to them. AKA DO NOT HUG! NO HUGS!

2.) Electrical Discharge – aka chain lightning. Spread out. NO HUGGING!

3.) Unstable Shield – purple shield! – DO NOT HIT! Each hit causes AoE damage!


1.) Chemical Bomb – target a member and places a poison cloud. Get out of it! Cause more dmg if you are in it. Place the bosses in it!

2.) Poison Protocol – will spawn 3 oozes. Kill the oozes, do not let them touch you (just like the oozes from Prof Putr) If they hit ya major damage when they explode. You can tell who they will target as they you will get a message that they will FIXATE on a target. Do not Feign Death, vanish etc. This will cause them to pick a new target. Frots traps are win!

3.) Poison Soaked Shell – Do not hit for the most part! Sure you will cause more damage but you are taking a DoT as well.


1.) Arcane Blast thingee of doom – causes a lots of damage, single target. This is interruptible! DO SO! He casts this every 5 seconds or so.

2.) Power Generator – blue swirl will appear on the ground, move him out of it! If ya don’t people will get one shotted by Arcane Annihilator. Healers, casters etc stand in it. Dmg boost and will help out a lot with mana regen!

3.) Power Conversion – turns incoming damage into increased DPS. Purge! Spellsteal! or stop DPSing him. Show him some love!

Hints and Tips

1.) Do not hit the shields! Stop the DoTs! Pull pets off!

2.) Kite/kill the oozes ASAP. They can at times choose the other tank.

3.) Interupt Arcanotron!!! Make sure your interrupters stay on him till he deactivates. Spellsteal, purge that shield!

4.) DO NOT HUG WHEN, Electron is up. Group Hugs! on Magmatron. (It really really sucks when those two are up at the sametime!) Only time when people/raid should be spread out is for Electotron. Group heals FTW!

5.) Tanks – watch your DBM timers to see when the next construct will be up!

6.) Hunters (also maybe Rogues and Mages) – Feign Death when targeted by Magmatron’s flame thrower – will cause him to lose target and will not use the ability.

7.) DPS – Generally switch to next construct when they are up.

8.) Healers – stand in the blue circle of love. Mana Regen!

9.) Any Construct + Arcanotron – keep people topped off. An arcane blast may go thru every now and then. Keep those bars up!

Things will seem chaotic, but it is not that bad. Many of the abilities are easily avoided and healed through. Happy hunting!

Categories: cata, raids


January 27, 2011 8 comments

Was a bit hectic this magmaw kill but everyone was still standing at the end. 🙂

Uh-oh! We haz broked da machinez! And everyone was alive I think as well! lol as you can see Lyssi is looking away from the camera in this one.

Next Chimerion and Maloriak!

Overall, I am very happy that these two bastards died, finally! What did it, is allowing people to play to their strengths. Also choosing a strat and running with it (magmaw(, even though it was sloppy and a certain lock did not like it, this forced people to bring up their game and really focus! He died on the 10th attempt?

For Omnitron…key is avoiding things we kept on dying to last time, also once again allowing people to play to their strength allowed Omni to die. They died on 2nd try of the night.

Categories: cata, guild, raids

P-P-P-Pally Powah!

January 25, 2011 4 comments

After a bit of problems with the computer…for some reason it was not showing the 2nd video card, and a ongoing lag problem last night, the pally finally hit 85. Feels odd, Orangeslice literally had NO issues with questing in the highlands like Liyhe did. My priest pulled more then 1-2 mobs and it was priest pate.

All I have to say is leveling in a tank spec and being able to burn down multiple mobs speeds things up tremendously. (Also having Mr Popularity rank 2 and a buttload of rested XP never hurts as well!) Getting 9-11k XP for a mob and 9-10k xp for a mining node is a bit ridiculous.

Now that the pally is 85…time to run dungeons and gear up! Woot!~ my favorite thing to do.

But first most time to fix the prot spec and the holy spec.

Snooping around at other Paladins – think I will go with this for Holy.


For Prot…there is a lot of variety lol it appears. Playaround with the talents I am coming up with this.


I am not to certain on this one…but the increased range of judgements seems odd and not needed, so the chance to reflect magic seems better. Reckoning seems lol. And Grand Crusader maxed odd does not seem to be needed, as the extra proc would get in the way of generating holy power.

Categories: cata, holy, Paladin

Screenshot monday :P

January 24, 2011 5 comments

Hey guys where's my horsey T-T


Who doesnt like gifts?


Yes yes I know I am perfection. Everyone wants to be like me!

Categories: Uncategorized

Woohoo!Short post is short.

January 20, 2011 2 comments

1st off…this made me happy!

Circle of Healing Radius

This information is actually incorrect. In addition to Circle of Healing receiving a 30% healing buff, its radius (around the target) is also being increased from 15 yards to 30 yards in patch 4.0.6.

Also with the huge buff back to Power word:shield and improved Power Word Shield…it maybe time to make the offspec…disc…bubble priest back into the fray?? Other bloggers have been saying it is getting better. I may have to try it out again.

Also to copy my friend Del! Bovine Edition

1.) yes, Runescape sounded tedious and stuff, it has nothing on FFXI.
-prior to even getting to the old level cap of 75, one 1st had to complete the subjob quest. You then had to go back and level the appropriate subjobs to your mainjob.
-So if you were a white mage, you would need to get Black Mage, Red Mage, Summoner, Scholar to 37.
-Another pain was if you wanted to level and advanced job: Ninja, Paladin, Summoner, Samurai, Ninja, Ranger, Beast Master, Bard, you had to get to level 30 in a normal job and then go back and unlock the appropriate advanced job via a quest. The quests varied from easy to freakin annoying.
-You lost XP when you died…so you could dlvl.
-Crafting…no 100% chance for a skill up. A wonky system on who to get HQ items made, and if you failed you lost materials.

2.) I hate snow. But I hate hot weather.

3.) Magic!!!!! The gathering that is…Mirrodin 2.0 looks sweet! Magic!

Consecrated Sphinx looks sick as does Thrun the Last Troll.

Categories: cata, disc, holy, priest

Black and Blue part 2

January 19, 2011 11 comments

Why why why....die you pest!


How do you do it?

Does your guild use the sacrificial lamb method? (one brave raid member stand out to eat the pillar) And then kill the adds?

Or does your guild have everyone move in between 2 “camps”?

Or do you have an Off tank handle the adds?

Each method has its pros and cons I would have to say.

Not quite sure what to do at this point….the OT method seemed to work for us but issues to work out.

I admit I am a bit irked DPS cannot kill them fast enough? Maybe cause I have not played a DPS seriously. But burst or not….why cannot DPS kill them still? If they get close…move away and DPS them from a safe distance again….Pillar of Flame is on a 25 second timer….25 secs….that is a long time in my opinion.

People signing up and not showing up…..

People signing up and not coming prepared……

People not using consumables…..

The list goes on, but I dont want to step on people’s feet/egos/feelings.

Categories: /grumpy, cata, raids

Am I ready? (for Heroics?)

January 3, 2011 2 comments

“Am I ready for Heroics?”

Item Level 329 – check, dungeon enterences found – check, Ready to Faceroll – check!


no, no, no, no, no.

You are sorely mistaken my friend if you think you can just wander in like that….

General guidelines for preparing for a heroic!

1.) Make sure you spec is up to date! (no lvling specs please!)
2.) Have a general idea of what to expect in the instance, this will save you and your guildmates or PuGmates a lot of time and headache.
3.) E-R-G. Enchant, reforge, gem as approp!
4.) Remember patience, it will save you in the long run.
5.) If you need to CC, remember to watch it, also do not break it as well. If you need to CC, use it. Mobs have inflated health pools and for the most part are a mixed bag of mob types, with various abilities and mechanics which can faceroll your 5 man group!
6.) If you have a means to heal yourself, try it out and save your healer a GCD.
7.) Don’t stand in bad. bad = death in many heroics now. (Forgemaster’s fire shield in Grim Batol, Corobus’s tunneling ability, standing in harvesting etc.)

For healers:

1.) Food, Flasks, Potions. These are your friends in your initial trips into the waters known as Heroics. These can help make up the weak spots in your gear and help your healing as well.
2.) Review your spec and know what does what. (Wuuuu I haz lolwell?) Make sure your group understands your abilities and uses them! (DROPPING LIGHTWELL! DPS THAT IS YOUR ONLY HEALING USE IT!!! *cracks whip*) Lifegrip errr Leap of faith – watch out when you use it. Seems like if you are trying to save a tank, and the mob has a cleave…be careful!
3.) Patience…especially if healing a PuG group.
4.) E-R-G! – this maybe especially even more important for a healer – especially when first starting to run Heroics. The extra stats help out a lot!
5.) Break the habit of trying to top people off. The Wrath days are gone! 50-75% for DPS is the new 100%
6.) Don’t stand in bad and don’t try to heal stupid.

But what about stats???

This will vary from player to player but this is what I found out for my priest.

I would say getting around 1800-2000 spirit will help out your regen, where you may not be gasping for mana every pull.

70K+ mana should be ok as well. More the merrier!

Oh yeah having a mostly guild group helps out as well. 🙂

Categories: cata, disc, holy, priest, stats