
Archive for the ‘I CANT WAIT FOR 4.3 ti okay dress up!’ Category

4.3 thoughts

September 28, 2011 13 comments

Michael Myers anyone.....

First off my beloved priests, our T13. I am not sure about it. I really like T12 so far. T13 reminds me of Holloween and mardi gras. Well with Transmog, it’s a moot point.

The bonuses for t13:

  • Healer, 2P — After using Power Infusion or Lightwell, the mana cost of your healing spells is reduced by 25% for [10|15] sec. (10 sec for Discipline, 15 for non–Discipline.)
  • Healer, 4P — Your Power Word: Shield has a 10% chance to absorb 100% additional damage, and the cooldown of your Holy Word abilities is reduced by 20%.
  • Shadow, 2P — Shadow Word: Death deals an additional 55% damage, and you no longer take damage from your own Shadow Word: Death when the target fails to die.
  • Shadow, 4P — Your Shadowfiend and Shadowy Apparitions have a 100% chance to grant you 3 Shadow Orbs each time they deal damage.

For healers: I am not sold on the 2P, especially as Holy. But it could be worse. For 4P – one word: blarg.

Shadow definitely wins out here. To be honest I would not be surprised to see it altered in some form before final release.

The changes to Holy for 4.3 are a step in the right direction – the changes to Divine Hymn and the ability to strenthen it and lessen its cooldown is quite nice. Its also nice to see they are fixing atonement to take into account large hitboxes (Beth’Tilac, and Rag made atonement useless)

The changes to Wild Growth were surprising to me.

•Wild Growth healing value has been reduced by 20%.
•Glyph of Wild Growth now also increases the cooldown on Wild Growth by 2 seconds.

Straight up nerf to druids? Why? Sure they are healing beasts, but does not make them seem OP or anything. It’s the player playing the class which makes it’s good, not the class. bad player still means bad druids.

Paladin’s also got some changes – no more mana from judging…they have to use spirit more. Why? Maybe someone can answer this, but are there low spirit paladins out there? (I know as disc i reforged a bunch of it away)

Other things that caught my eye was the new mounts. 🙂
Dancing Darkmoon bear! yes, please!

Also I know I should not have looked at it, but I could not help but look at the dungeon jounrnal preview for the new raid.

A few things caught my eye.
1.) Looks like a lot of damage sharing, so stacking…(SR we are screwed)
2.) Other mechanics where the raid may have to use the boss’ own abilities against it.
3.) Thrall as Earth Warden? not surprised really.
4.) Tyrande of the past…hawt….hopefully they will also make this her in game model. It’s quite impressive looking.

Sept 20th…GC applied the nerfbat to FL…4.3 please get here.

September 20, 2011 11 comments



• Shannox, Beth’tilac, Rhyolith – health and damage reduced by 15%.
Did these three…really need anymore nerfing?

• Other bosses – health and damage reduced by 25%.

• All adds’ health and damage have been reduced in the same proportions as bosses.

• Hellhounds and Unstable Magma deal much less damage.
the damage trash put out was quite ridiculous.

• Alysrazor’s Fiery Tornados move slower.
Cool i guess?

• The Wings of Flame buff duration on Alysrazor is now uniformly 30 seconds.
Still hate flying!

• Alysrazor drops 1 additional feather for 10-player mode and 2 additional feathers for 25-player mode in all cycles.
Not really needed…?

• Wrath of Ragnaros in Stage 1 now knocks targets up, but not back.
This is kinda cool, but you really should not be standing in front of a fire trap….

So Firelands…nerfed quite a bit 15-25% Really does take a bite out of the ferocity of the FL…maybe we should call it the Not so Hot Firelands…

But that being said…if you still cannot deal with mechanics…you are still not going to down bosses, no matter the nerf. But to those who can deal with them….well…have those peggle addons installed! 

So 4.3…..

3 new 5 mans…must be done in order the 1st time. Sounds interesting, but will get old.

LFR – meh…this is not going to be pretty.

T13 in raids only – i like the idea, but I dont like how one can still obtain a lower version of it in LFR…looks like the min/maxer I am (when it comes to my priest) may have to jump into the LFR fray!

4.3 discussion

September 14, 2011 8 comments

1.) Are nerfs good for the maintenance and happiness of the overall population in WoW?

Business Slice: Of course it is! Getting the majority of the people to see the content Blizzard has worked on makes perfect business sense. Which will net a company more money? 6-7 million customers or 2-3 “hardcore” players, of course the more casual base will make Blizzard money in the long haul. Without profit Blizzard cannot make improvement/develop more games. It’s all about the benjamins! MONEY MONEY MONEY!

Red Slice: RAWR! REDSLICE SMASH! WTF! WHY ARE THEY NERFING IT MAKES NO SENSE, 4.3 is not even out, or has any concrete information etc. Why are they caving into the whiners and baddies? Why even make a game and make it so easy? With the nerfs it may even make the most casual of player go…why am I playing a game this easy? This makes Hello Kitty Online seem more difficult. 4.2 have been out only for a few months, it only has 7 bosses, why make it so laughable that it can now be cleared by a new group in a week or 2 at most? /smash! WTH are they passing out epix 2 every1?

Slice: It would make more sense to have a balance of the two. They really should take a good look at what is over tuned and also what maybe under tuned and fix as appropriate. No real reason as well to nerf Heroic modes, those should remain as the pinnacle of raiding. Only the best of the best should be able to tackle those. Give the general player base the normal modes, and the heroics to the “hardcore”. Give them each a playground to play in. A flat nerf to the content in general is silly – make the players get a gradual buff (like in Icecrown Citadel) this allows for some mistakes to be made, but does not trivialize the content totally, this in coordination with appropriate hotfixes of mechanics that are under tuned and over tuned.

However by nerfing stuff by this degree so far from the 4.3 patch…I hope it does not cause a backlash that they will nerf 4.3 so quickly cause, “it’s too hard!”

2.)Should I cancel my sub and wait for DW/4.3?

Business Slice: No! Give me your money errr to Blizzard. You need your WoW crack no?

Red Slice: Yeah that will teach them to nerf stuff that doesn’t need it! “/grumbles” Freakin casuals!

Slice: Each individual should decide if they wish to play right now or wait. Use your brain and make your own decision.


Business Slice: $$$ more ways to keep people attached to an older game! Good idea to pull at people’s heartstrings.

Red Slice: Old content? LOL…why go back there? It’s not relavent. Why waste time on old raid when you can raid current content or cap VP? Old cheevs? Only ones that matter are ones that are current and give you mounts that are current!

Slice: Yay for clothes! Barbie time?

4.) Catgirls?



Cata raiding recap…(yes boring title is boring)

August 18, 2011 6 comments

Because 4.3 Transmogrify will be awesome like bacon!

Recent Kills Lyssi and Vanicus aka Repgrind aka Kerick

I am still happy and surprised 2 new bosses down this week and a good look at the intial phases of Ragnaros.

What I find even more amusing a lot of our kills (be it T11 or T12) our kills seems to come in double – same day or lockout!

Shadow Rising

Make me smile and think we come back in an things click and boom, dead bosses and loot!

Looking back at the beginning of T11 versus T12, the entry point was a lot tougher on raids imo. 349 versus 359+. I believe skill > gear but gear allows for a greater margin of error and enhances skill.

Also many healers had to adjust to no longer being able to spam their bread and butter spells. (PW:S, Druidy stuff, Chain Heal, Holy Light/FoL)

Thirdly, lets face it, WoTLK raids were a little more forgiving on a mistake made. Oh wait you hit an opposite color orb in the Twin Valkyrs, oh wait you wont die. Oh wait you didn’t move from a slime from Toxictron – dead….

At this point Firelands > BWD, BoT, ToT4W

Shannox – It is much more then a normal tank and spank fight. Sure you tank Shannox, but one had to use his mechanics to kill him and drop your tanks debuffs. Plus killing huntards is fun, but seeing him drop the same crap over and over again is quite annoying.

Beth’ tilac – Overall, this fight is kinda zzzzz. Where it stands out from other fights in this tier and tier 11 is you have to trust your topside team. You see their health bars drop and you cannot do a thing about it. Other then that the bottom team – its a normal control the summoned add fight. p2 is a tank and spank….zzzzzz.

Lord Rhyolith – aka the big fat jerk (hmm, kinda like Kerick :P) – the fight is different as to you have to guide him to active volcanos to reduce his armor while fighting off waves of adds. BTW HATE THIS FIGHT.

Alysrazor – as much as I complain about this fight, this fight has a lot going for it. I admit it, I love execution style fights, where you have to perform to win. The flying idea is nifty, the dodging of tornadoes is win as well.

Baleroc – I like healing fights…./epeen.

Majordomo Staghelm – I admit I am kind of disappointed with this fight. We learned it very quickly and tweaked and killed him. I was expecting more of a fight from the boss right before ragnaros. Although, his shapechanging to the raids config is quite unique and interesting. Different mechanics to deal with.

Ragnaros – OMG, fun so far! Dmg everywhere, add to kill or die! /swoon!
Another execute or die fight! YAY!!!! (yes, I am a bit of a sadist :P)

But more importantly…..4.3 APPEARENCE TAB!!!! Time to dress up and step out on the town!!!! This is the one way for Blizz to get me to go back to old content….older tier sets here I go! (Man i wish i did not d/e my T9 and T10 sets…sigh, or some of the weapons)