
Archive for the ‘snark’ Category

It’s nothing but unicorns and rainbows with MoP! (not really!)

October 9, 2012 6 comments

It has been a couple of week with my mitts on MoP. What do I think of it so far?


Although I am loathe to admit it, I enjoy the questing in MoP, I am not sure what it is, the NPCs one meets, or the story, or even the personalized quest reward, I like it. (But I still hate questing prior to MoP zones)

I will admit it, I thought the farm would be silly. (Bro why I gotta farm!) However, the farm is awesome! What can I say, I did like the Harvest Moon games back in the day.

Dailys – hate em or love em. I like some of them, I hate some of them. Golden Lotus I like, Klaxxi not so much. (probably cause I hate bugs and I hate the Dread Lands) Although,  some of the content is gated as well as the gear, one has to applaud Blizzard for attempting something to put brakes on a population which devours content like a swarm of locusts. Could they have done it a different way? Possibly, but not in a way which everyone would be happy. Localizing them into dailys, at least it is gold. And who doesn’t like gold in MMOs….and if you don’t I say you are lying.

Pandas – I thought the worgen and the goblins were done nicely, but BLizzard kudos to you for the pandas. Also for the new zones in general, BEAUTIFUL. For once I actually look around and internally say…wow. The mounts are very detailed and amazing – I love how my cloud serpent will scratch his ear? from time to time lol.

Dungeons – not too hard, but not faceroll. Good balance! Thumbs up here!

Pet Battles – 🙂

Monks – Very fun healing wise and DPS wise. Tanking? not sure….seems confusing to me! lol


Dungeons – valor it gives…seems low….

Dailys – Why gate the August Celestials and the Shado Pan till revered? Why not one at Honored and the other at Revered?

Farm  – too addicting. Must Farm……

Cloud Serpent Training – why no account bound….seems silly….I hate racing!!!!!

Motes not being BoA – I think keep em soulbound but at least make them BoA.

Priests – OK OMG WTF DID YOU DO HERE! DID YOU PLAY PRIESTS BEFORE RELEASING THEM!?!?! Our main way to proc Divine Aegis – Prayer of Healing is bad…. OMG mana regen is so bad…..seriously Blizzard what did you do to my beloved priest class. Please help PST! What happened to bring the player not the class! Why bring a good player with a gimp class over a good player with a good class?

Trolls – and not Zari or Adoe…I am talking about more troll killing…please no more troll heroics or troll raids…..I am sick of picking on Zari’s family and Adoe’s cousins….

So overall Blizzard A+ a big thumbs up. 100% better then the depressing Cata.

Blame Moog (aka Painsaw) and his wheat thins….

September 18, 2012 3 comments


Categories: Shadow Rising, snark

Now and then?

March 13, 2012 11 comments

Rarely do I get interested in a topic but the “now and then” posts others have been posting intrigues me for some reason. Must be the history buff in me….

November 4th 2010 was my 1st “small” journey into the world of Azeroth. Being a fax on the Warcraft RTS games, a MMO intrigued me. Previously friends had tried to get me to play Everquest, but I resisted, although I did cave in and played FFXI a lot. At the time of WoW’s release, I was still heavily into FFXI. (sorry – Mithra and Taru > Goblins and Night Elves) Therefore, my initial foray into Azeroth was tainted I admit. Many of my friends in FFXI at the time did not have good things to say about WoW and WoW for (at least players on my FFXI server) was for the “kiddies”.

An old college friend had gotten the game and I rolled a forsaken on their server at the time. I think it was a Warlock….no wonder why I hate them so….

1st impression on WoW – laggy…..cartoony…..sooo many people where are the quest mobs….and I ahve to quest to level? WTF?!?!?! People don’t group up and grind down mobs for xp chains or skill chains? WTH?

In addition to the doomed Warlock, I think I also rolled a Tauren Warrior. With the warlock I recall traveling to Org to get sword training lol – melee lock! THe Tauren I used a gun to pull in stead of charging in lol.

I then quit after the 1st free month and went back to my catgirls. It was not till Burning Crusade when WoW entered my life again. BLOOD ELVES AND SPACE GOATS! /Waggle! Come on…I was in! Immediately rolled a Belf Hunter of course named Liyhe! And a Dranei Paladin named Adori…HATED the paladin….the hunter I was not to fond of as well for some reason, both toons only lasted till lvl 26 and I then quit WoW.

Not till 2009 or so, when I finally broke my FFXI bug I picked up WoW again….(wow must be “easy”) This time I was determined to see endgame etc. So of course I rolled a Belf and a priest, as it seemed closest to a White Mage from FFXI. Yes, I was a masochist, I leveled as Holy…..Smite ALL THE THINGS! Needless to say, I died a lot. This was back on Uther Server…I did join a guild there who did have aspirations to raid, but it was one of those who recruit via Trade…yeah was quite the cesspool.

As I got closer and closer to Northrend, I started to look up WoW blogs…it was this one Clearcasting that convinced me to apply and raid. I admit I was a fresh 80 in super bad gear…..but they took me in and it was a blast. It was right around that time the “infamous” dungeon finder came out…geared up raid ready in one day…..spamming heroics….from 9AM to 2AM… I was so tired….

Here is a pic I think from LK days…

As you can see Sorak is still a cow and we still have Del the tree man!

Somethings happened in SR (no need to chew on old soup bones), so I moved on for a bit and raided 25 man Alliance side for a while on Skywall in Choice – Choice. It was a blast, but looking for that Arcance Torrent button haunted me. AT > Blessing of the Naru. It is a definite difference going from 10 man to 25man heroic. When I joined they were working on Heroic Deathwhisper and Heroic Putricide…OMFG the wipes on Putricide…but the awesomeness when that punk went down. I got to raid with Kurn as well! Kurn’s Corner

Soon after that is back to SR, Liyhe was back to be a Belf! Woot! Sorry for the lack of SS as those are at the home PC. People have come and gone but, WoW is still going strong, TOR is in contention atm though lol. Through WoW I have met alot of awesome people, learned alot about the game from other people who blog etc. I guess the internet is not just for porn eh?

Blizzcon predictions and another Heroic down!

October 20, 2011 3 comments

Huzzah another Heroic down….!!!

SR we do things in the wrong order….

Things that other normal guild do and do well. SR flounders. Things/fights other guilds may save/do later – SR does well. Also clearing vent clear for the most part and keeping a strict order, and ONE person calling it out helped out a lot. Also healers (go Zarm and Vanicus) did an awesome job communicating when they needed to swap etc! Nice healing Arv even with tormented. Nice job DPS!

Heroic Baleroc down – one of the more difficult Heroic fights downed! It’s funny….if slackers would post their SS!! (/glare Rep and Lyssi) Poor arv 😛

This brings SR to 7th overall on Drak – It’s nice to see SR in the top 10. I know we will never be leading/cutting edge progression but it is nice for the epeen.

Plan for next week – Heroic Shannox and Baleroc again. Then Heroic Domo.


Blizzcon predictions

Of course more Diablo news, as it should be.

Expansion news – I have a gut feeling it could go either way for MoP or something totally new. I have doubts as MoP being a browser game as I don’t see Blizz putting resources into such a niche game. I am glad for the lack of leaks this year.

I doubt a new hero class – I think Blizz learned their lessen from trying to balance such a thing. If they were to add a new class I think they would have to work their way up just like everyone else imo. Monk seems like a good choice – given the route if they go MoP.

I think it is interesting to note a whole panel on talent trees – if the expansion does raise the lvl cap…the current point values will be thrown into chaos. So I predict another revamp once again. This would be a good chance to str/nerf/alter as needed for Blizz. Perhaps maybe even a chance to differentiate PVE and PVP.

As far as race – maybe both sides gets Pandas? Just like how the high elves and the blood elves are split. Night Elves and Naga. Darkspear Trolls and other Trolls. Humans/Gilneans. It could be feasible that the Pandarans are not as unified as we believe.

However, I think it would be one or the other – Class or Race – not both. As far as letting more races be other classes, I do not really see a reason for the class restrictions at this point. Except for the rare obvious ones – forsaken druids? Dranei druids? Belf shamans? Belf Druids?

More SC2 news but to be honest, I am lukewarm on that.

Raiding…makes you a bad person…really it does…

September 20, 2011 5 comments


ok…i feel i wasted 5 minutes of my life reading this….it’s like calling going to work makes me a bad person, because work is a tedious, repeating process of trying to better oneself with promotions etc….

The author seems to equate any repeating monotonous activity, with the explicit goal to improve onself, even with small gains (so we need to get more) makes one a bad person….

 damn sounds like just being alive makes one a bad person…..

If they also dont like MMO’s or gaming in general, why play..?

Categories: OMGWTFBBQKITTEN, snark

Sept 20th…GC applied the nerfbat to FL…4.3 please get here.

September 20, 2011 11 comments



• Shannox, Beth’tilac, Rhyolith – health and damage reduced by 15%.
Did these three…really need anymore nerfing?

• Other bosses – health and damage reduced by 25%.

• All adds’ health and damage have been reduced in the same proportions as bosses.

• Hellhounds and Unstable Magma deal much less damage.
the damage trash put out was quite ridiculous.

• Alysrazor’s Fiery Tornados move slower.
Cool i guess?

• The Wings of Flame buff duration on Alysrazor is now uniformly 30 seconds.
Still hate flying!

• Alysrazor drops 1 additional feather for 10-player mode and 2 additional feathers for 25-player mode in all cycles.
Not really needed…?

• Wrath of Ragnaros in Stage 1 now knocks targets up, but not back.
This is kinda cool, but you really should not be standing in front of a fire trap….

So Firelands…nerfed quite a bit 15-25% Really does take a bite out of the ferocity of the FL…maybe we should call it the Not so Hot Firelands…

But that being said…if you still cannot deal with mechanics…you are still not going to down bosses, no matter the nerf. But to those who can deal with them….well…have those peggle addons installed! 

So 4.3…..

3 new 5 mans…must be done in order the 1st time. Sounds interesting, but will get old.

LFR – meh…this is not going to be pretty.

T13 in raids only – i like the idea, but I dont like how one can still obtain a lower version of it in LFR…looks like the min/maxer I am (when it comes to my priest) may have to jump into the LFR fray!

4.3 discussion

September 14, 2011 8 comments

1.) Are nerfs good for the maintenance and happiness of the overall population in WoW?

Business Slice: Of course it is! Getting the majority of the people to see the content Blizzard has worked on makes perfect business sense. Which will net a company more money? 6-7 million customers or 2-3 “hardcore” players, of course the more casual base will make Blizzard money in the long haul. Without profit Blizzard cannot make improvement/develop more games. It’s all about the benjamins! MONEY MONEY MONEY!

Red Slice: RAWR! REDSLICE SMASH! WTF! WHY ARE THEY NERFING IT MAKES NO SENSE, 4.3 is not even out, or has any concrete information etc. Why are they caving into the whiners and baddies? Why even make a game and make it so easy? With the nerfs it may even make the most casual of player go…why am I playing a game this easy? This makes Hello Kitty Online seem more difficult. 4.2 have been out only for a few months, it only has 7 bosses, why make it so laughable that it can now be cleared by a new group in a week or 2 at most? /smash! WTH are they passing out epix 2 every1?

Slice: It would make more sense to have a balance of the two. They really should take a good look at what is over tuned and also what maybe under tuned and fix as appropriate. No real reason as well to nerf Heroic modes, those should remain as the pinnacle of raiding. Only the best of the best should be able to tackle those. Give the general player base the normal modes, and the heroics to the “hardcore”. Give them each a playground to play in. A flat nerf to the content in general is silly – make the players get a gradual buff (like in Icecrown Citadel) this allows for some mistakes to be made, but does not trivialize the content totally, this in coordination with appropriate hotfixes of mechanics that are under tuned and over tuned.

However by nerfing stuff by this degree so far from the 4.3 patch…I hope it does not cause a backlash that they will nerf 4.3 so quickly cause, “it’s too hard!”

2.)Should I cancel my sub and wait for DW/4.3?

Business Slice: No! Give me your money errr to Blizzard. You need your WoW crack no?

Red Slice: Yeah that will teach them to nerf stuff that doesn’t need it! “/grumbles” Freakin casuals!

Slice: Each individual should decide if they wish to play right now or wait. Use your brain and make your own decision.


Business Slice: $$$ more ways to keep people attached to an older game! Good idea to pull at people’s heartstrings.

Red Slice: Old content? LOL…why go back there? It’s not relavent. Why waste time on old raid when you can raid current content or cap VP? Old cheevs? Only ones that matter are ones that are current and give you mounts that are current!

Slice: Yay for clothes! Barbie time?

4.) Catgirls?



Funny search terms….

September 1, 2011 2 comments

ok…I know others have made posts about ways to get to your blog…thought I would share some…

1.) sexy space marine – Space marines…sexy? Not sure if they belong in the same search term lol.

2.) 4.2 disc reforging…ok this i can touch on

I like to think of it was int/spirit (play around to find where you are comfortable)/haste/mastery crit

Now this is not set in stone – this will depend on your preference on playstyle and your raid composition.

Int is important/king obviously.

Spirit is up in the air – mana regen is important, but how much do you need? too much and you lose out on troughput stats you could be going for. too little and you wont last the fight. (personally, i think i may reforge some of mine away – gonna overhaul gems/reforging tonight)

Mastery – probably out biggest thorn in our side. It helps our niche well (damage mitigation) but at the same only effects a few of our spells – Power Word: Shield and Divine Aegis.

Crit – unreliable at best. With the change to crit heals it makes it appear to be very desirable on paper..but in reality don’t gem/enchant/reforge for it.

Haste – a nice throuput stat. Helps to push out those heals, PoH’s faster etc. However, haste does this at the cost of your mana pool. Watch the mana consumption.

When you take into account of raid size – 25 or 10 man. Your choices can deviate farther. in 25 man you may have the chance to specialize in your role – straight up PoH machine (haste), or tank healer (mastery). Also buffs you maybe missing in 10 you will more then likely have in 25 man raids.

What is in your healing team?

10 man – disc/rdruid/hpally – with the holy focusing on tanks and resto on the raid you may find yourself with a balance of three. In 10’s there will be lots of crosshealing as well.

10 man – disc/rsham/hpally – see above, but with a bit more raid healing.

10 man – disc/hpriest/hpally – once again see above disc/rdruid/hpally.

3.) funeral pyre or smoldering censer of purity for a disc priest?

Funeral Pyre

Smoldering Censer of Purity

My personal preference would be the Censer – haste would be better – especially if your OS is holy or shadow. Although you could reforce some of the crit on the Pyre – meh. Also with the spirit on the Censer one could play around with it if you have too much spirit and want to dump it.

…..MS paint is win…..

August 29, 2011 10 comments

never trust a goblin......

Ok here is my entry to Looking for More! All i gotta say…MS paint is win.

Priests – Now in Disc or Holy flavored!

April 1, 2011 7 comments

The only class in WoW with 2 dedicated healing specializations, the Priest.

Why would you want to be a priest?

1.) We wear dresses duh!
2.) Bubbles….
3.) Lazor heals!
4.) Big yellow BUBBLE
5.) Huge circle of shiny on teh ground!
6.) Wings to look purdy!
7.) We don’t smell like cabbage like the other classes!

Ok now that you want to be a priest, which race should you make your priest:

Night Elf

Human: ok acceptable. Some humans will have the sense and elegence needed to become a priest.

Night Elf: Sigh…the skin clashes. Long armed, and necked Nelfs look like giraffes. no.

Draenei and Worgen: Hooves. Claws. Horns….no they should stick to being in the freak show. Not on the runway!

Dwarves and Gnomes: Wait do people play gnomes and dwarves? I haven’t seen any…oh wait…that’s right, one has to look down to see them.

Blood Elf

Tauren….seriously…no. Don’t even consider it. Cows and dresses do not mix. If you want to see that – Check out People of Walmart.

Troll….again…no. Why would you want to be a race that does not have the elegence needed for the fancy dresses…*ahem* robes. Also whatever they are smoking…makes them smell like cabbage. Also they have poor posture!

Forsaken…..not going to go there. Should be obvious. Also they suffer from poor posture and bad breath.

Goblin…see troll. Besdes the greenskin clashes with everything. FASHION IS #1

Ok this brings me to the only race deserving to be a Priest.


1.) Epic hair.
2.) The attitude that works and brings everyone in.
3.) The right figure.
4.) No claws, hooves, horns.
5.) No ugly facial hair.
6.) No huge foreheads, gangly arms, and Mullet
7.) Like did I mention, the EPIC HAIR!

Categories: snark, Uncategorized