
Archive for May, 2011

Before I forget a rant! and…..pulling a slice = sanity retained

May 13, 2011 5 comments


I knew this would happen….Call to arms….there are poeple in there who should not be tanking…see Pulling a slice! also there are people in there hoping with the increase in healers and tanks in Heroics…hey maybe they can drag my gimp ass through. F THAT!


You know that moment of dread one gets when you zone in….NOT AT THE BEGINNING of an instance….

1.) Either everyone is dead and running back
2.) The DPS have more health then the “tank”
3.) The tank/DPS say omg a healer….


Zone in…..ok looks like they have killed the 1st ogre dude….great!

Get to them…..inspect em all….

The tank appears to be ok, some non enchanted stuff but appears to know their stuff and it positive.

Hunter appears to be wellgeared….cant pull more then 6k on trash….on the robot boss….lets not go there….

Rogue is ok, decent gear and good numbers.


Lock appears to have some JP gear and the crafted epic belt…..they are destro, ok great. Look at their DPS…..4-5k at one point 6.6k….

How can hunters and locks be so fail…..

Get to Ripsnarl….everyone asks….how does this fight go……./facepalm.

I reply “Kill boss, when adds come, kill adds, then back on boss.”





Lock ooms about 75% into the fight and stands there to regen mana and than RAIN OF FIRE ONE 1 target! Then goes back to picking nose. No life fap, no wanding….this was the 1st time I was close to letting someone die…..

Hunter Autoshots….

Rogue pewpews boss…

I think the tank and i killed most of the adds….and i am HOLY Pally….

OK Ripsnarl eventially dies….onto Cookie….”eat food as needed, balance good food with bad etc etc” “k” We go….lock stands in bad and dies from food AoE…as does the hunter, as does the rogue, as does the tank….yeah i dropped after that.


People….WoW is not hard.

Don’t give me that I only want to have fun…or I don’t want it to be like work…..

Let me put it this way…if you play console games, or board game, D&D, or card games….you have to learn the rules to play…you have to advance oneself somehow….how is that any different from putting a little elbow grease into WoW….THERE IS NONE!

That is great and all, but don’t waste my 12.95 a month with your fail. If you want to run Heroics, make sure you can at least perform to the level of mining monkey. Otherwise I am pulling a Slice once again.

Categories: /grumpy, disc, holy, priest

Cho’gall…..big ol’ meanie!

May 12, 2011 1 comment

5/12/11 – after about 30 or so attempts and 3 weeks from raiding Horde side, Mr Eye-Nipples is dead!

The trat used is the one, that you can find in many places, with a few tweaks here and there. Also ideas stolen from my alliance raid used liberally as well! (Horde spy!)

Anyways….I assume most people are familar with the fight, just going to highlight a few pointers we did.

Phase 1 – 100% to 25%

This is the meat of the fight and in my opinion, the PITA, portion of the fight.

Conversion is the dealbreaker for this fight. Interrupt this ability ASAP. When it is close to the evil slime phase – make sure you ranged, and if you a have a hunter (traps do not work if they are worshipping) are broken out ASAP, healers are also important as well, especially if you are 2 healing this encounter.

One thing our ranged had to watch out for, is NOT to be in weird locations when Conversion is about to be cast. Be in the back behind the raid, not off to the side etc.

One change we did implement was: having a melee peel off from Cho’gall and help kill the large add. Now why would you want to pull him of cho’gall?

1.) The faster the big add died, the quicker the other tank could get back on Cho’gall, so the 2nd tank could get a breather from the Fury of Cho’gall debuff. Also giving your healers a breather.
2.) Also in case the add tank could not get a Depravity cast, the melee could get it. Pummel ftmfw!

But if your dps is killing the big add fast enough or your tank has a way to get back faster, this may not be needed.

When the slimes do come out AoE the hell out of em.

Also with the recent hot fix:

*The Blood of the Old God aggro radius during the Cho’gall encounter has been dramatically increased.*

Make sure your ranged has some good threat, otherwise the targets the slimes pick originally will cause the slime adds to spread apart as they head toward those targets…causing diminishing damage from your AoE.

5 slimes – easy
10 slimes – bothersome
15 slimes – ARGH! WTF!
20 slimes – pray……you dont want 20 slilmes.

When the third big add is coming out…you will want at this point Cho’gall under 50%. So when the 4 add is out. Your raid should have Cho’gall close to 30% or even lower possible. Remember 25% is the p2 start.

Prior to the 3rd big add dying if you are lucky enough to have Shaman friends, have them place an elemental near the adds, but before they spawn. Also if you have lock friends, have them time their infernal summon, RIGHT as the sllimes form the impact the infernal causes when it lands causes some damage, but more importantly, a stun on all the slimes, buying you some more AoE time on them.

Prior to 25% move Cho’gall to your area of choice: either a wall, but I have also read strats taking him back to the throne (this causes the tentacle adds in p2 to stack up even closer), but not much room to dodge fire on the throne. (we used the wall method)

Try to top people off before the 25% mark, also hopefully noone has any corruption!

To help kill the tentacle adds faster, we went with a system of killing adds from left to right, while still picking a main assist. Make sure to interrupt those casts the tentacles do. Save lust for 17% and lower. Prior to that the damage to the raid should not be too bad providing your raid has low corruption and was topped of prior to 25%.

(This maybe a bit different for other raids, I raid disc, so in P2….bubble spam and heal as needed. The bubbles seem to cut down a lot of the intial damage in p2, also PoM is great in this phase! Time your shadowfiend to come off cooldown in p2, Hymn of Hope when you can, and have some mythical mana pots handy! I saved PW:Barrier to cover me and the ranged and the other healer in between the 10-15% range)

We had a handy DK tank, who when not having cho’gall bonking them, helping DPS the adds and also popped Army.

At about 10% and lower your healers maybe very well out of gas, if they die, brez a DPS if they happened to die.

The Dps will need to be pretty high to not hit a 4th slime phase and burn him in p2. Also hopefully the DPS combined from the 2 tanks will = 1 DPS.

Damage done to evil ogre

We had quite a bit of time before the slime add even came, also in p2 only 3 people died.

If you are 2 healing, healers will have to be on their game.

Healing Done

I looked after the add tank, druid was on the cho’gall tank. Because the add tank takes no where near the damage the cho’gall tank does, all that really need to be done on them (the add tank) was a PW:S, PoM, and a renew, and the occasional Flash Heal. So I was free to help the druid on the maintank. To also help out with dmg on tanks use liberal usage of Pain Supression! TIme it so it will be back up in p2.

Glad the ogre is dead now…..! Time for some Nefarian time – your next buddy! Then I guess we can say hi to the silly wind elementals. πŸ™‚

Horde Spy……all lies!

May 11, 2011 6 comments

Been a while since I have had a post. Too many toons….not a lot of time to write.

At this point I have 4 85’s all either raid ready or raid geared.

Priest: Liyhe

Paladin: Orangeslice

Druid: Melonslice

All of these toons are on Drak’Tharon in Shadow Rising – Horde side! FOR THE HORDE!

Then…my poor former Blood Elf Mage. She drew the short straw and had to go under some major plastic surgery….is now this…

Mage: Velineda

She is in Crits and Giggles on Winterhoof – For the Alliance? πŸ™‚

Only regret i have is I no longer have a alchemist on Drak….time to level a new alt. oh well. anyways.

Raiding with two different groups of people is a very interesting way to see things in perspective and see how other may handle a situtation. AKA SPYING!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

The 1st striking notice is the composition of the raids – from a racial stand point.

Shadow Rising – it’s more of a belf only club with a sprinkling of greenskins and a birdcow that wear mangowns.

Crits and Giggles – seems to practive diversity as there is a good mix….well except for the lack of gnomes…probably because Addoe and Reversion ate them all!

With this obvious difference comes different racial abilites.

Looking at Cho’gall – it’s really easy for the melee and ranged to stack up and use a warstomp and/arcane torrent to break people out for the hordees.

As alliance reliance on individual interrupts is paramount – windshear, counterspell, freezing trap, dragon breath, rebuke, skull bash?

Also as a potential to save one’s skin ability – alliance seems to have more.

Night Elves have shadow meld – great when combined with Mass Ressurection! Humans have every man for him/herself. Darkflight to play fetch.

Horde….its victory or death abilities.

Ok enough about superficial differences. Each raid has memebers in it that make it memorable and a blast to be a part of. πŸ™‚

Shadow Rising – is a little bit more risque? People like to poke a lot of fun at one another, if you can dish it out, you better be prepared to take it back!

Crit and Giggles – is a lot the same way. They have a let log die game? to be replaced my let cyla die game if log is not around! lol. They joke and have fun as well, but not quite as dirty. πŸ™‚

Going back to raid composition – Shadow Rising, we haz more prot pallys then we know to do with it, and an ODD DK tank. Crits haz bears and a warrior tank. My own experiences healing the SR tanks – it’s quite easy, bubble…and walk away while Xarm does all the work.

I don’t heal in the Crits raid…although my fingers itch to (baby priest on Winterhoof is slowly working on the way to 85). I wonder how it is like healing a bear tank or prot warrior now a days in a raid setting.

Raid Strats:

Shadow Rising – Brute Force….wut is finesse???? But seriously – for the most part people come to the fight knowing what needs to be done for the most part. If you need to interrupt they do so, etc. Some nagging/yelling to stack is needed…oh yes – PREPOT NAO! But people execute for the most part with minimal cat wrangling. Little to no review of strats are done. Only if something is changed to added to. Oh yes, and having Zugzuug – means usually win – kid needs no direction and can learn fights on the fly….he is crazy.

Crits and Giggles – I would say is pretty much the same way. People know what to do and do it. Difference being, I can be lazy and just pew pew, and not stand in bad. πŸ™‚ Rev and Ana are defintely not as grumpy as I! Or they are better at not showing it!

Last night in BoT – SR roflstomped Halfus, the V&T comedy hour, and the 4 seasons council. Some of the fights were a bit messy but all one shotted, so no complaints. Only wipe was to an odd pulling of adds lol —–SORAK! Cho’gall to 5% so close…..I smell blood. Well hopefully, he will die tonight.

Crits is at the same point – both guilds will be downing this fool really soon, and the rivers shall turn purple.

Anyways funtimes all around in both guilds, SO, if you are looking for a guild check these two out. You will not regret it!

Shadow Rising – US Drak’Tharon – Horde (level 23 guild)

Crits and Giggles – US Winterhoof – Alliance (level 25 guild)

Categories: Crits, guild, raids, Shadow Rising