Home > Paladin, priest > What makes us good or bad???

What makes us good or bad???

Amber from For the Bubbles today made an interesting post and the comments that followed got me thinking?

What makes/trains you to be a “good” tank?

What makes/trains you to be a “good” healer?

No its is not Energy drinks….although they are nom!

1st – Experience

It is our experiences that shape us into our preferred roles. From the “bad” times to the “good”, these experiences help us change/morph into players – hopefully good ones at that. 🙂

With “bad” times, hopefully a person will learn patience, perseverence, and learn from their mistakes. Repeated wipes, teaming with horrible players, and trying new strats hopefully teaches a new player, or even old players this. One cannot change without pain and strife etc. (lol However, have a healer with no mana is never good :P)

-Having a “bad” tank may make us better at thinking fast and reacting fast.
-Having a “bad” healer will make us better at learning what to pull, how fast, and how many.

We are all human, so at times, mistakes are inevitable. Learn and move on. Have a laugh or two. ITS A GAME! (Will never forget the time a certain belf pally and a enhancement cow forgot to swap to holy sets to help heal in ToTC10) If you cannot learn and move on, or learn to laugh…maybe you need to seek psychriatric help. Seriously. Don’t take a game or life too seriously…it will kill ya in the long run. 😀

2nd – Closely related to experience would be familiarity.

Please please please make sure you understand your abilities and role. Read what your ability does lol, I know I am guilty with not reading them all the time. If you are a tank/healer/DPS, know what your particular niche.

Become used to your keybinds. Place your abilities in spots that are easy to get to. Become familar with other roles and jobs. I am not saying know every class in and out or remember every racial ability out there, but become familiar.

Also become familiar with strategies out there for raids. Do not always assume trash will be pulled and lolAoE’d down. Remember we have crowd control abilities. Use them. (oooo lol sheep!!)

3rd – Gear DOES NOT make the player

A common misconception is that gear makes a individual a good player…GARBAGE!!! Gear makes a “good” player better. “Bad” player with gear is nothing but a coat rack. I have seen 5k+ GS players kinda fail and seen lower geared people blow them out of the water.

Gear only allows player to have a larger margin of error for mistakes. It’s like a raid “airbag”, it is not an “I win” button. Cause if you mess up yo face (raid) will get messed up still.

I do admit I do have Gearscore installed, and I do check other individuals to their GS raiting to their performace. But it is not the “final” answer as to whether a player will thrive or be a “baddie”. People need to remember when many raid instances are first released they DO NOT require a 5k GS…./sigh. Take ICC…how many people when 1st entering where 5.3k GS when they entered ICC 10 or 25. Not many I would assume. So seeing trade chat asking for this requirement is strange. What makes it worse is when I see if for ToTC or Ulduar…/FACEPALM OF DOOM INCOMING!

Categories: Paladin, priest
  1. July 22, 2010 at 9:24 pm

    I have only one thing to add to all this, and this goes for everyone in the raid:


    ..And what I mean by this is every time the group wipes, try to identify the point of failure and if you can, do something to help it go better next time, whether by doing something differently or just finding a way (as a DPS) to take less damage or complete your objectives better/faster. (your objective is VERY SELDOM just doing straight DPS.)

    As far as GS goes, it’s only useful as a measurement of POTENTIAL. The maximum performance made possible by the gear the toon has. How well the reality lives up to that potential is determined by the player.

    • July 23, 2010 at 3:10 pm

      I misread this at first:


      I lol’ed.

      But I agree with what you actually said.

  2. July 22, 2010 at 11:10 pm

    O hai! 😀

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