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For the greater good? Or memememememe?

http://delerius.wordpress.com/2010/04/29/raiders-vs-raids/ – good read. Not your typical wall of text.

I will agree with Del, I do not see anything in his post that I disagree with. WoW is a game and why play a game if it is not fun. Once it becomes not fun, un-fun, boring etc. it maybe time to move on. However, until we get to that point, why do we still play even at max level, and upper tier gear? Del hit is right on the head we play/raid – for our friends. In SR people are willing to cut gems, look for mats on alts etc.

Disclaimer: I do not believe in the below. I am super nice asian dude!~

However, I do understand and see there are reasons for others to play/raid in this game still. Lets take some of the upper world guilds. Sure they may make friends etc. But at that point the driving point is not fun or friendship, it maybe for the sponsorship dollars, presssure to be world first, and the desire to be the best at ANY cost. That is greed, inflating the ego, and memememememememe.

They may work together to achieve, but how many are wondering…I hope that loot drops, oooo when we get this more money, more fame, more epeen? At that point, from an outsider looking in, it appears to be more of a job then a game or hobby. At that point do we care more about our own fame and development rather then the guild a whole organism? Or are we only concerned enough about it for the fame such a tag shall garner?

When in the game/raid…what do we think about? Loot? Fame? Thrill/Challenge? There is nothing wrong with those, deep down inside we all want that…human nature dictates we look out for ourselves. Self preservation is the name of the game. Look at the numerous posts about X ninja’d this, omfg this person looted a gbank and ran, and trade trolls….I think you see my point, we want what other have.

Very rarely does one hear anything good about the happenings in WoW…we like to focus on the negative and with morbid curiosity watch/read it. /popcorn. Sure we have those individuals who level’d non stop for charity…and that is great…but what about the players who griefed them on the way….

Who wants to hear about the nice when we can see who ninja’ed what…that makes for much more fun. We are drawn to the bad more then we would like to admit. Like slowing down to glance at a car accident.

Also the fake bravado being on the internet brings tends to bring out the worst in people. Makes us do and say things we would not normally do in real life. /ethug mode engage!

Why be nice when I can get away with things I normally cannot?? /ponder

Now you may disagree with me but the average WoW player is going to be somewhere in between the members of my guild (For the greater good!) and a douche bag guild (not going to name a certain guild). Scratch that I am going to assume the worst…if chat troll, ninja looters, rage quitters, hackers, gold sellers/byuers are within WoW’s population, I am going to make the conclusion,  many people raid/play WoW for themselves only.

Categories: guild, raids Tags: ,
  1. Delerius
    April 29, 2010 at 6:45 pm

    Sad, but true. All good points.

    Deep down maybe such people even find stroking the egos “fun”

    But it won’t compare to the friends in SR.


    • April 29, 2010 at 6:47 pm

      Agreed SR rocks. But it seems like we the people in SR etc are a rare breed in a sea of cesspool. reminds me of Waterworld.

      • April 29, 2010 at 10:45 pm

        I like that movie

        • April 30, 2010 at 2:24 pm

          Waterworld…was ok. Not sure I would sit down and watch it over and over again though. Costner movies tend to make me zzzzz.

  1. May 3, 2010 at 2:59 pm

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