Home > disc, holy, priest, raids > ICC 10 Healing (the lower spire) – a method to the madness.

ICC 10 Healing (the lower spire) – a method to the madness.

These is my thoughts and ideas on how i approach healing ICC (do not take them as law or the only way to do things), any ideas or comments are appreciated. Also this is coming fromt he perspective of a disc/holy priest.

For the trash in the lower spire  – know who your aggro magnets are and shield them…sometimes though you will not be able to save them. Bubbles tanks and your fellow healers. PoM, Penance, and Flash heal when needed. Dispel any debuffs you can see, only one that I can see dispelable by priests – shield bash if i recall correctly. If you trigger the traps watch out fot the giants shout and stop casting, or you get hit the evil silence. You will have time to finish a spell as it will have a cast time. Watch the mobs cast bar. The tanks maybe hit pretty hard from the trap giant so prepare accordingly.

1st boss – Lord Marrowgar

Things to watch out for: Saber Lash – make sure your tanks are facing him away from the raid. Hopefully your tanks will also be BFFs as they need to stick to one another like glue. Saber Lash dmgs is split between them and also prevents them from being Bone Spiked. The damage to the tanks can be heavy so be careful. 

Bone Spike – Shield and renew the target if poss (PoM if it is up). Mimimum shield them. *keep eyes on tanks!*Only one bone spike in 10 man normal.

Cold Flame – nuff said…don’t stand in it.

Bone Storm – easy, run and get GTF away from him. Renew, PoM, and shield targets, avoid the cold flames as well. One thing to watch out for…when he is about done with the storm…watch the tanks. Shield them up, PoM them. Don’t let the transition between Bone Storm and “normal” mode catch you off guard.

Pain Suppression, Shadowfiend, Hymn of Hope, and Divine Hymn as needed.


Boss Two – Lady Deathwhisper

I have never DPS’d this fight before, so I cannot really comment on the adds that she spawns. Thanks to Koala reminding me – watch out for adds if you get targeted…dont let them eat your face! run!!!

Death and Decay – easy…stand out of the bad.

Shadow Bolt – shield people up and top them off.

For the tanks – keep them shielded and PoM up.

DPS shield if you can and have mana to spare otherwise don’t.

When phase 2 starts – the tanks will be swapping the boss due to Touch of insignificance. Keep people shielded and topped off. Hopefully someone will be interrupting her big frost bolt. As far as Frostbolt volley. Mass dispel and heal. Watch out for ghosts – dont get tunnel visioned! Also watch out for Death and Decay.

She does not mind control in 10 man version and spawns less adds.

Round 3 – Gunship Battle – aka loot ship.

Pretty simple. Make sure everyone gets a rocketpack and equips it.  I am not going to talk about the fight itself but rather the healing needed.

Healing the raid itself is relatively easy – shield, PoM, renew. People should be avoiding the the rocket strikes as it leave a big freakin mark on the ground.

For the tank staying on your ship – shield, heal, PoM. The dmg they take should not be too bad and is easily healed thru.

For the tank jumping over…they will take considerable more damage. That evil dwarf hits hard. Shield, PoM, and Pain suppression. Also when the tank is jumping over make sure to keep them healed and shielded.


Round 4 – Deathbringer Saurfang

Another relatively easy fight, once you understand how the fight goes.  Until then this fight can be rough.

1st – Blood Nova – make sure ranged is spread out – range of 8.

2nd – Blood Boil – shield the target. Although shielding no longer stops him getting Blood Power, it will cut down on the damage the target takes.

3rd – Blood Beasts – melee will need to watch their attacks as will tanks, you do not want to get hit by these. Hits = more blood power for Saurfang. Your ranged DPS will need to use their abiliites to kill these ASAP and slow them root as needed. Note: Paladins can Hammer of Justice one to stun them, Death Knights can Chains of Ice them as well. 2 blood beasts in 10 man.

4th – Mark of the Fallen Champion – BAD BAD BAD!! If someone gets this, do not let them die, as it will heal Saurfang for a alot. Heal them ASAP and constantly.

5th – I dont recall the ability name but tanks will have to taunt off one another.

Also at about 30% Saurfang will soft enrage, healers be on your toes!

Categories: disc, holy, priest, raids Tags: , , ,
  1. April 15, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    Don’t forget as a healer to run like hell from the deformed mob. You don’t want it eating your face.

    • April 15, 2010 at 7:22 pm

      ahh forgot about that….edited above

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