Home > holy, random > key binds????

key binds????

Ok going back to keybinds and preferences on how to WoW. Is there any one way to setup right?

Going back to Lyssi’s blog she typed out the keys she used for the most part in her rotation, and for her that works. Looking back on this, I think Ari mentioned one time she has her mouse and key binds setup in a way that works for her. Tir is a clicker/macro guy. (correct me if I am wrong Tir!)

We all setup our UI’s and keybinds in ways that work and make sense for us. As much as I tease Lyssi about the way she setup her buttons, they work and make sense to her.

Muscle memory is very important and allows us to do things without thinking. Put me in front of Tir’s setup and I think I would fail till i got used to it.

My current setup is very similar to my FFXI setup. Although FFXI did not use the (1 – =) setup. Many of the abilites are also setup as mouse over macros. Point and click..whack a mole version 2.0.

1 – Flash of Light
2 – Holy Light
3 – Holy Shock
4 – Judgement
5 – Divine Plea
6 – Avenging Wrath
7 – Arcane Torrent
8 – = I don’t remember off the top of my head…but they are not very important, mostly things like Holy Wrath and Hammer of the Righteous (the stun one)

Alt 1 – Divine favor
Alt 2 – Divine Illumination
Alt 3 – Beacon (Bacon) of Light
Alt 4 – Divine Shield
Alt 5 – Lay on Hands

Ctrl 1 – Talisman of Resurgence
Ctrl 2 – Hand of Freedom
Ctrl 3 – that threat reducing blessing
Ctrl 4 and 5 – someting not important like a res spell and some undead turn spell.

With Clique – Alt and left Click is Cleanse
Ctrl and left Click is BoP

With the way things are setup it is easy to still move and cast as needed. Unneeded looking for keys are eliminated for me at least. The priest is setup in the same fashion. Combined with my UI (Kitty UI – wow interface, check it out) makes it very easy to see what is up and keeps meh buttons nice and neat and lined up and organized. I do admit, abilities not commonly used I do not even bother to place on keys.

my UI

KB are setup in order of most commonly used to least used.

This setup works for me. Everyone keybinds/macros/add-ons differently and in their own fashion. Some like grid + clique + mouseover macros. some like decursive, other Vuhdo. X-perl. So many different options.

Is there “the most efficient” way to KB and macro??? Best way to UI??? If there is an answer out there someone please advise 😛

Categories: holy, random
  1. Telanarra
    June 2, 2010 at 10:44 pm

    I use my forehead and hope I hit the right key.

    It also helps that i have every key bound to cast Holy light

    • June 2, 2010 at 10:58 pm

      That it does good sir that it does. Holy Light rules all.

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