Home > disc, guild, holy, priest, raids, stats > Nerf? Buff? Nerf? Buff? EZ MODE IKE?

Nerf? Buff? Nerf? Buff? EZ MODE IKE?

Is it a slap in the face for serious raiders? A blessing for the more casual minded?

If you don’t know what it is, here is a recap.

“As many of you may have noticed, the Icecrown Citadel raid buffs have been activated. These buffs increase total health, healing done and damage dealt by 5% for all raid members. In addition, the number of attempts on the final bosses of each wing and the Lich King allotted raid groups on Heroic difficulty has been increased to 35. These buffs — referred to as Strength of Wrynn for the Alliance and Hellscream’s Warsong for the Horde — can be deactivated by speaking to your faction’s leader at Light’s Hammer.”

Just reading it…looks awesome…helps the whole raid out.  For guilds stuck at the 4/12 etc, this will be a lightning bolt to the heart.

For more progressive minded guild…like Herding cats mentioned, it does feel like a slap in the face perhaps. I am not too happy about it myself but I do understand Blizzard’s reasoning behind it. GET MAOR PEOPLE TO SEE DA GAME. MEANS MORE MONEYS

Blizzard: Dude lets add a zone wide buff to the raid. People will be happier and we will gets moar moneys.

I am glad they at least did implement it so you can disable it, so one can still down bosses without. So I guess it is not that bad. But still it does feel like..they are saying the vast majority cannot handle the dungeon. YOU ARE NOT PREPARED!!

It will be up to RL/GM to see if their people can handle things without the buff or not.

Edit: I guess it is ok to use…1st heroic mode Lich King kill used the buff.

But onto happier news





“Priest Tier-10 4-Piece Healing Set Bonus: Redesigned. This bonus now increases the effectiveness of the caster’s Power Word: Shield and Renew spells by 5%.”


This is better then sliced bread, wind rider cubs, and Blue-proto drakes..I know what my Emblems of Frost are going toward. 🙂

Categories: disc, guild, holy, priest, raids, stats
  1. Delerius
    March 3, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    There is still hope.. if Blizz will change the priest bonus maybe, just maybe they will fix the retarded druid bonuses.

    • slice213
      March 3, 2010 at 7:52 pm

      hopefully. so you poor resto druids dont have to avoid it like the plague

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